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            My work is a way of me expressing myself and finding inspirations. I enjoy creating art because it lets me express myself in many ways. I am able to show my creativity through out my work. My goal is to learn, get better and to challenge myself as I keeping creating more pieces of artwork. I am able to create a unique piece of art every time I make something. 

            My sketchbook plays a role in the process of me coming up with my ideas. I use my sketchbook to guide me as I create my projects. I like to use real life references or photos. When I find my reference photos it helps me think of ideas and ways I can incorporate a piece of that photo into my project. My projects mostly come out the way I sketch them, but not all the time. Sometimes I like to add things along the way. When I start to make my project I envision what the final outcome will look like and I try to make it exactly how i envision it to look like.

            In my current work I like to challenge myself by trying to make multiple pieces that will fit well together. My inspiration for this current project is from the artist Maishe Dickman. I enjoy seeing how he blended glaze colors together. I enjoy mixing glazes together and trying to figure out what it will come out as. I want this piece to look pleasing to the eye and unique. I want the viewer to think how did she use that glaze to get that outcome and how did she create that form? I challenged my self by making all my forms from the wheel. I plan on using multiple glazes and blending them together for this project. I am also challenging myself by seeing how my multiple pieces will fit together. 

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